About Lindin

About Lindin:

Lindin is a Christian Radio Station in Iceland.  We are a non-commercial, listener supported radio ministry and we operate on FM 102,9 in the Reykjavik capital area and on different frequencies in 14 other locations in Iceland.  Representatives from several churches in Iceland are on Lindin´s board of directors.

Lindin’s mission is to serve listeners by evangelizing with the Gospel, equipping for living the Christian faith and encouraging through building relationships.

Our goal is to spread the Gospel in Iceland and around the World.  To achieve our goal we:

–  operate a radio station

–  are a voice in Icelandic society that brings the message of the Bible

–  offer prayer services

–  introduce and play Christian music, Icelandic and foreign

–  publish books, DVD´s, videos, podcasts and other types of educational material

–  distribute information about churches and Christian organizations

–  initiate and support events that bring the Word of God to the community

–  use modern day technology to reach people, educate them and encourage in Gods Word

–  support the advancement of Christianity in Iceland

We broadcast 24/7 all year round:

The office staff entails 3 individuals. Additionally we have 16 radio programmers that go on air once or twice a week, thus making it possible to air a diverse and uplifting broadcast schedule.

The founders of Lindin:

Michael and Sheila Fitzgerald started Lindin in 1995.  In the years that followed the ministry grew fast and soon broadcast was heard around the country, reaching 85% of the icelandic population. In 2016 Mike and Sheila stepped down from Lindin and Hafsteinn G. Einarsson took over as radio general manager.